The UBE was established in the Fall of 2003 to further the aims of student self-governance within a community of trust and honor and to supervise all University-wide student elections. These include elections for organizations such as Student Council, the Honor Committee, the University Judiciary Committee, and School Councils. The UBE is responsible for setting the semesterly elections calendar and for maintaining the ballot of the University’s on-line voting system. Membership in the UBE is open to all students and is obtained through an application process each year. If you require further information about the University Board of Elections and cannot find it on our website, please contact us.
Download the UBE Constitution (edited Mar. 2023).
Jurisdiction and Powers
- The University Board of Elections is authorized to conduct elections on behalf of the following student organizations:
- Student Council
- Judiciary Committee
- Honor Committee
- Class and School Councils
- Such other elections as the Board may be requested to oversee
- The University Board of Elections is authorized to conduct all University referenda.
- The University Board of Elections is empowered to take all actions necessary and appropriate to carry out its mission to enact and enforce Election Rules and Procedures.
- The University Board of Elections may serve as Complainant before appropriate University bodies such as the University Judiciary Committee or the Honor Committee to enforce its published Election Rules and Procedures.
The authority of the University Board of Elections is derived from the Student Body of the University and from delegation by the Rector and Board of Visitors and the President of the University.