Proposed Referendum Explanation:
This referendum allows students to plead guilty at any time prior to hearing. Currently, students may only plead guilty at the initial stage of an Honor case.
By voting “Yes,” you vote to amend Articles V and VI of the Honor Committee Constitution as follows:
Proposed Constitutional Language:
Article V. Rights of the Accused.
Section 6. A student who has been reported for an honor violation shall have the right, at any time after being informed of the report by the Honor Committee but prior to a Hearing on such alleged violation, to enter a plea admitting guilt and waiving all other rights guaranteed under this constitution. A student entering a plea shall be excluded for two full semesters from student status. Article VI. By-Laws.
Honor Committee by-laws shall be consistent with this constitution and shall be adopted by a majority vote of the Honor Committee.
For purposes of this constitution, the logistics, timeframes, and administration of the exclusion from student status for two semesters shall be as set forth in the by-laws of the Honor Committee, as the same may be amended from time to time.
Current Constitutional Language:
Section 6. A student who has been reported for an honor violation shall have the right, within one week of being informed of the report by the Honor Committee, to file an Informed Retraction admitting guilt and waiving all other rights guaranteed under this constitution. A student filing an Informed Retraction shall be excluded for two full semesters from student status, and shall subsequently be permitted to return to the University, provided that the student has not previously filed an Informed Retraction.
Article VI. By-Laws.